1st tym masuk kitchen. kitorg blaja vegetable cutting. banyak woo jenis cutting2 nye. bukan maen radak je bulat2 cam korg jumpe dlm tomyam tu. name pn dah bukan carrot potong bulat, carrot potong serong, carrot potong dadu, carrot potong halus. ade julienne, batonet, paysanne, brunoise, concasser. pastu ade bouquet de ghani, onion pique. i also learnt how very sharp the french knife can be hehe :p
2nd tym masuk kitchen. kitorang blaja breakfast. ade american breakfast, continental breakfast, n yg paling familiar malaysian breakfastlah. the best thing is. my craving yg semakin rakus dari hari ke hari for beef steak finally dapat dipuaskan. haha. baba mama please take note n take me to the nearest steakhouse ble me pulang nanti ye ye :( very the yummy the taste of paprika still melinger2 kat my tongue. walaupun later tu ke toilet 3 kali. it's worth it! :p
3rd tym masuk kitchen. sume da ready dgn excitednye bawak tupperware. guess what did we cook? .....salad dressing..... =.= waaaaaaaaa :'( we buat mayonnaise sendiri! no more lady's choice, it's kami's choice. but but but d u know. mayo start from 2 raw egg yolks didisturb2 with continuous flowing of cooking oil. ikut lah banyak mane nak buat. lagi banyak oil lagi banyak mayo. eeeeeeeeeeeeei. but mine sgt jadi so im still so happy :) i end up feeling funny in the tummy n promising myself to stop my mayo-everyday-with-everything eating habit i had b4. :p
haha. tu dlm kitchen. cant wait to have another weeks of cooking n learning dlm kitchen yg mendamaikan tu <3>
oh oh oh this is my class photo. DK1C1C2 click! *-*
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