Monday, October 4, 2010

hang in there kejap..

that should be me. holding ur hand.
that should be me. making u laugh.
that should be me. this is so sad.
that should be me. feelin ur kiss.
that should be me. buying u gifts.
that should be me. this is so wrong.
one day nanti kan
bile seha dah kuat sikit
bile seha dah fine
bile seha dah lali sorg2
bile seha xrase gatal2 nak tkan phone n text u spanjang mase
bile seha xrase nak call u everytym kdt lebih dari rm2
bile seha xyah pakse diri to stop missing u
bile seha dah boleh terima u belong somewhere else
bile seha stronger
bile seha better
bile seha maturer
bile seha rela
seha'll let go of u
but for now
please stay close
kejap je lagi
nanti seha pegi jauh ye..


  1. huhu~
    si DYE tue ke..?
    jgn lps...
    dye kmu pnye lu kot~
    (jaat nye ak huhu)

  2. haha org punye wuuui.. tanakla mi.. aku undur diri~


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